Marisa Peña was born in Madrid in 1969. With a degree in Hispanic Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she teaches at IES Ítaca. She has written for the digital magazine Tiempos Modernos, for Plumas hispanoamericanas, and for the blog Memoria pública del diario Público. Some of her poems are collected in digital anthologies edited by Fernando Sabido (Poets of the 21st century), Agustín Calvo (Elective Affinities) and by magazines Gatos y Mangurrias, Álora la bien cercada, and Alkaid. She has published: Poems in Two Voices in (La factoría de ediciones. Colección conscientes); Armillary Poetry (Lapizcero); Outraged Fairies (Unaria Ediciones); That Icy Truth of Beauty (Quadrivium); Erotic Fairies Unaria Ediciones); The Yarn of Memory (Unaria Ediciones); Map of Interiors (21punto9).